Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pole dancing?

In class today someone mentioned that Miley Cyrus recently did pole dancing at a teen awards show. When the show aired about a month ago, I read an article about how horrendously scandalous her pole dancing was. The article made it sound like it was a hyper sexual dance. At first, I was disappointed but not really surprised since so many tween queens become sexualized. Then I decided to actually look up the video and watch it. Skip to 1:05 if you just want to see the pole dancing part.

So, I don't know much about pole dancing, but from what I've seen in movies, it's a little different than holding onto a pole and singing... I'll admit, her outfit is skimpy and I certainly wouldn't want my daughter to imitate her dancing, but to call her dance hyper-sexualized pole dancing is pretty unfair. I just think that sometimes people are too quick to judge people in the media. And, if I had only read the article instead of watching the video, I would have had a worse opinion of Miley than I do. I guess it's just important to be always an active consumer of information and to form opinions based on fact instead of someone else's bias.


  1. I hadn't watched the video and was glad I did, because just like you I was actually horrified that when I heard about it, just because so many girls look up to her. But honestely, it's not even really pole dancing, she just holds on to it, so I don't see what the big deal is. But for sure, I wouldn't want my daughter to wear what she is at her age!!!

  2. I had already seen this when it was brought up in class, but didn't say what I really thought- that it isn't that bad! Honestly though, she is on an ice cream truck with a pole sticking out of it and singing on it while some guy pushes her. Anyone watch glee? That had way more scandalous dance moves in it than Miley did.

  3. I'd agree with you on this one. I'd not heard about the pole dancing thing until it was brought up in class, but this is actually pretty tame compared to waht I was expecting!

    By the way, we saw an advert for Hannah Montana on TV and my 4 year old said "Yuck! I hate Hannah Montana!" "How on earth do you know who Hannah Montana is????" I asked. "She's a show BIG girls watch. Yuck!" I have no idea how he learned about this, but she is EVERYWHERE!!!

  4. Way to exploit the jail-bait! Eventhough she is completely skanky that was no pole dance people!!!!!!!! When she 1st came out her suggestive dancing was far worse. She is everywhere! It's like what the advertising people do. Start them young, get a huge young and loyal fanbase, pretend to be Disneyesque then when they have the young masses trust and hooked then they throw in things like this. This is where it starts. Pretty soon she'll be barefoot in gas stations, cutting off all her hair, in rehab and maybe pop out babies from different guys.
