Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Obama is all over the media this week. Yesterday was his infamous (at least in Utah) speech to all of the students in the country and today he just finished up a speech on his plans for health care reform. I didn't watch the speech to the students, although I read it, and I only caught the tail end of the health care speech. But, my purpose isn't really to analyze his plan anyway. First of all, I don't know enough about it to do that and secondly, this isn't a blog for a political science class.

I think it's very interesting how riled up political media can make people. I know several people who were absolutely furious that President Obama was going to speak to children. One of my friends who teaches at a junior high school in Tooele wasn't allowed to show the speech because parents hadn't been able to prescreen it (which was ridiculous by the way, since the text was available publicly 24 hours before the speech was given). I wonder how many of those parents "prescreen" everything else that their children watch. I would hope that they do, but I have a sneaking suspision that many of the things those kids see portrayed in prime time television are much more harmful than the president's message to work hard in school.

I'm not saying that everyone should support Obama. If you have valid reasons for disliking him, that's your right. But, I do think it would be smart for people to be more rational when choosing what they will and won't let their children watch.


  1. I agree with you! I think it is absolutely ridiculous for parents not to let their kids listen to the president of the United States...about health care!!!! Crazy!

  2. Ok. I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of Obama but I agree that it's crazy that people were upset about him talking to the kids. As long as it was about something as important as staying in school I think it's a good thing! But so far I'm NOT liking the medical plan. I think having a husband going into the medical field has greatly impacted my opinion on it, and of course, my interest.

  3. I really like the point you made about parents being in an uproar about not being able to "pre-screen" Obama's speech and you thinking that they don't screen much of any of the other media that they watch. There are many more dangerous things for children to watch and parents don't necessarily care about those. I think some parents need to re-think their priorities...
