Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Addiction


My name is Allison and I am incredibly addicted to Bejeweled.

Seriously. It's starting to interfere with my life. I made the mistake of adding the facebook app last week and now I can't stop playing! It hasn't gotten in the way of my homework too much yet, but I have this Independent Study class that I'm supposed to finish before I have a baby in 7 weeks and every time I sit down to work on it, I somehow end up playing Bejeweled instead… It's such a simple game, yet so addicting. Yet another example in my life of media distracting me from homework.


  1. Amen to that. In high school I got addicted to spider solitaire on my laptop and just barely got my senior english project done. Given, I had to skim the book. Nowadays it's solitaire on my iPod. I eventually had to have Colin hide my iPod because I would just sit there like a drown playing it until the battery died.

  2. I love bejeweled! And it seriously is addicting. Totally know where you're coming from :)
