Monday, October 12, 2009

Live Free or Die Hard… You’d think the name would have tipped me off.

My husband Corey and I spent the weekend at his parent's house. On Friday night, they wanted to watch a movie. Our movie tastes differ quite a bit (Corey's two brothers are 12 and 15) so I didn't offer any input. They kept suggesting R-rated movies which Corey knows I usually won't watch unless I think there's a very good reason to. So, Corey said, "Let's let Allison pick the movie." I quickly said they wouldn't like any movie I would pick. They asked what kind of movie I would want to watch. You should have seen the look on their faces when I said I wanted a movie where no one shoots anyone else…

Obviously, my vote was vetoed. Instead, Corey's parents suggested that we would love the movie Live Free or Die Hard. I was doubtful, but we agreed to watch it anyway.

If you really like this movie, I'm sorry, this isn't meant to offend. But, it was absolutely ridiculous. There was so much shooting and violence. So many people died for no reason. It was ridiculous. But, I think the most ridiculous thing about this movie was the way that a character would get totally beat up and be just fine. For example, one woman was crushed by a huge thing of shelves made of metal and glass. So, maybe this woman could have survived this, but she would have had several broken bones. But, in the movie, not only did she survive, she managed to get up without a scratch and throw a man that was twice her size out of the window. There were several instances of extreme violence barely hurting people. I think this is a very bad message to be sending to viewers. It diminishes the true nature of violence.


  1. oo I have never seen that, but I totally agree. Over the years I have actually become more sensitive to violence than desensitized. I used enjoy movies like the Matrix and Behind Enemy Lines, but now they just make me cry and get scared! In fact, I probably would have done that in the movie you watched and made everyone feel really bad so they would re-evaluate their lives and not watch anything like that again! Just kidding...kind of.

  2. Hmmm. I'll probably skip this one!
