Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Everyone can see what we write...

I was looking through some of my older blog posts and I noticed a comment from a person that I don't know who isn't in our class. It really surprised me. I mean, I know that my blog is public and everyone on the internet can see it, but I never thought that they actually did. I'm not too stressed about it since this blog is meant to be public. But, it makes me want to be much more careful about what I put on my personal blog, especially in regard to my family.

And, speaking of family, does anyone have strong opinions about whether or not to put pictures of a baby on facebook? I want to because I know a lot of my friends will want to see pictures of my baby and I'm sure I'll want to show her off, but the paranoid worrier part of me thinks it might be a bad idea. If my profile is private, do you think there's any harm?


  1. I think if you're profile is private then there's no harm. Another thing that I've been doing with all of my photo albums is setting them so only my friends can see them. That way you don't have to worry about complete strangers staring at pictures of your baby. Typically, people know who they're facebook friends with and that's who they would want to share them with. So I think you'd be ok.

  2. Ya. I think if you put it on private, you should be ok, but you never know. Someone who is really good at hacking could still get in if they REALLY wanted to.

  3. I agree with the previous comments. Make it so only friends can see. If you have a blog, it might be a good idea to have it be by invitation only. And on Facebook, I make it so only friends can see my whole profile and pictures, etc. Better to be safe than sorry!
