Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cyber Bullying

Last night I was wasting time on facebook. I was looking at the profile of a friend from my freshman year and I saw that recently, another freshman year "friend" had written a mean comment about me on the wall. I was floored because I haven't really talked to either of these people for about 3 years and I don't ever remember offending them. And, as silly as it is, my feelings were kind of hurt. And I was embarrassed. I wished there was a way I could erase that comment so no one else I know would ever see it, even though the vast majority of the people I know now wouldn't care one bit what those girls said. I really have moved on from my freshman year, but I still spent a few minutes feeling sad.

Anyway, it got me thinking. I know cyber bullying is a huge problem and now I understand why a little better. I mean, if one little comment from a person who's opinion I don't really care about anymore bothered me that much, what must it feel like to be a teen who has horrible comments made about them from people who they do care about? I can see why it's so effective and damaging.

I think the biggest problem with cyber bullying is the lack of ability to regulate it. I really can't think of a singe thing that can be done to fix the problem, besides trying to influence the teens in my life to refrain from it.


  1. Wow I'm really sorry that happened to you. It's so true that when we hear or find out what people say about us, even when we don't care about their opinion, it hurts. I agree with what you said about how it's hard to regulate it. My only imput is to work on seeing others as Christ sees them and encouraging others to do so as well.

  2. wow, that's too bad. I never really think of cyber bullying but I think it is a huge problem. I think relational aggression in general is a huge deal and people don't realize the effects it has on others.

  3. I'm so sorry. That really hurts. I was cyber bullied during middle school and it really affected me for a long time. I wish there were a way to better monitor it. It's heartbreaking to hear the stories of kids being cyber bullied and it driving them over the edge.

  4. That's horrible!!! I'll go after the mean girl if you want me to!!
